Hawaii Mom Blog: Visit Hilo: `Akaka Falls State Park




May 4, 2023

Visit Hilo: `Akaka Falls State Park

I visited `Akaka Falls State Park for the first time.  I honestly thought you could just park and see the Falls immediately, but it turns out there's a little hike to see the Falls!

Parking and admission are free for kama`aina.

An attendant helps direct cars to parking stalls and places to park if all stalls are occupied, which is super helpful because it can get super crowded.

Once you park and pay any fee (or show your kama`aina ID for free entrance), you then begin the short hike.

It's a pleasant, easy .4 mille hike through a rainforest, and if you follow the arrows, you'll first come across Kahuna Falls, and eventually make your way to the amazing `Akaka Falls.  

The trail is paved for the most part, with a few stairs throughout.  I had no idea you had to walk to get to the falls, as I showed up in slippers, so that should tell you how easy the trail is.

It's a lovely hike through ferns, bamboo, and all sorts of foliage.

Kahuna Falls

`Akaka Falls is quite impressive.  The 442 feet waterfall was roaring due to previous heavy rains, and it was a stunning sight.

If you are short on time you can always go in the opposite direction of the arrows to view `Akaka Falls first (and only), but the entire loop takes an average of just 15-20 minutes, depending on how quickly you walk and how often you stop to take photos.  

`Akaka Falls

`Akaka Falls State Park
875 `Akaka Falls Road

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