Hawaii Mom Blog: Pint + Jigger




August 23, 2012

Pint + Jigger

My friends and I have been wanting to try one of the several gastropubs that have been popping up around town lately, so we recently headed to Pint + Jigger.

We arrived early (5:45pm), and it was fairly empty, so we had our choice of seats, and the server recommended one of the long picnic tables (there were only 5 of us so we took up only 1/2 of the long table).

My co-editor, Nat, happened to go a few days before I did (you can read her review here), so I asked her what I should eat, and she recommendation the Applewood Smoked Double-Cut Bacon and P+J Fries, so that's what I ordered (I actually don't eat a lot of the other items on their menu anyway)

I thought the fries were really good and so was the bacon, but I do wish it was cooked a bit more - I like it a lot crispier.

Other items the girls ordered were:

Red Devils on Horseback
 Ramen-Crusted Shrimp + Chips
Pint + Jigger Oatmeal Stout Burger
A few of the girls did order beers (I can't remember which ones), and overall we all thought the food was okay, but quite salty (a friend said her chips were very, very, very salty).

Our server was friendly and helpful, and although she would often go unseen for quite a long stretch of time, I thought it was nice how she didn't try to rush us or try to get us to leave, since it got really, really crowded (and loud).

On site is a shuffleboard as well as a large chalkboard that you can write messages on.

We had a nice time at Pint + Jigger - I just wish they offered more food items!

Pint + Jigger: 1936 South King Street, Honolulu, HI  96826; 744-9593

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