January 16, 2017

Mini SPAM Musubi

Earlier this month I put myself on a pantry challenge.  I'm trying to spend less money eating out by using up whatever I can in the pantry.

One of the first things I made on this pantry challenge is Mini SPAM Musubi.  They are mini, unlike the regular SPAM Musubi, because I had no nori / seaweed on hand!

I did, however, have Korean Seasoned Seaweed.

To make the mini SPAM musubis, first I sliced some Teriyaki SPAM, and then cut each slice into thirds.

I fried up the SPAM for a few minutes on each side until browned.

I then placed some rice in the bottom of musubi mold, sprinkled on some furikake, then placed three pieces of SPAM on top of the furikake.

After pressing through with the mold, I cut the musubi into thirds (where the SPAM was already cut). I then took a sheet of the Seasoned Seaweed and wrapped it around each mini musubi. The seaweed didn't wrap all the way around each musubi, but the musubis still held together.
The bite-size musubis are perfect for little ones, or for an appetizer!

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