January 13, 2021


When: Saturday, Jan. 16, 2021, at 5 p.m.

Where: Town Center of Mililani
Facebook @TownCtrMililani
IGTV on Instagram @TownCenterofMililani
Let the New Year celebration continue as Town Center of Mililani proudly presents Mililani Jam, featuring a must-see performance by local singer and musician Rachel Faith. Tune in on Jan. 16, at 5 p.m., via Facebook @TownCtrMililani and IGTV on Instagram @TownCenterofMililani.

A talented singer, songwriter and ukulele player, Rachel won KITV’s “Island Idol” competition in 2019, as she won hearts and votes with her powerful voice. Tune in to watch her exciting performance on Mililani Jam and for a chance to win a $50 HIC gift card. 

Town Center of Mililani is pleased to host Mililani Jam, a family-friendly event to welcome and support local artists and bring the Mililani community together, streaming on Facebook and Instagram. Town Center of Mililani looks forward to inviting live audiences back to Center Court when it is safe to do so. Viewers are encouraged to stop by the center before the show for a snack or meal from our great stores and restaurants.

Please remember that face masks are required when shopping at Town Center of Mililani. Guests must also avoid large groups and practice social distancing. Those who are at higher risk for illness, such as the elderly, those ill or recently ill or who have been around sick people, should stay home as needed to help keep everyone on Oahu safe. The center follows federal and local health guidelines. The safety of its guests and the Mililani community is the center’s top goal, with increased sanitation methods and cleaning protocols using CDC approved cleaning agents.

Visit the center’s website at towncenterofmililani.com for up-to-date information. Individual store policies and hours may vary, so customers are highly encouraged to check the website in advance.

Located in the heart of Central Oahu and Mililani Town, the center has a long history of connecting its community together. Follow and tag photos of #TownCenterOfMililani on Facebook @TownCtrMililani and Instagram @TownCenterofMililani. See towncenterofmililani.com.


Town Center of Mililani is a 449,000 square-foot shopping center with over 90 stores including Longs Drugs, Times Supermarket, PetSmart, local specialty shops, restaurants like CPK, Five Guys Burgers & Fries and Zippy’s, a newly-renovated Consolidated Theatres, and medical, financial and professional services offices. It is the largest shopping center in Central Oahu and one of the largest in the state. For more information, please visit www.towncenterofmililani.com#TownCenterOfMililani


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